Strength Exercises
Prepare Your Space
To ensure your safety, consider performing strength exercises near a stable chair or surface (such as a kitchen worktop) just in case you need support. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement, and have a bottle of water within reach to stay hydrated during your workout.
Dress Comfortably and Stay Hydrated
Choose loose, comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement. Keep a bottle of water within reach to stay well-hydrated during your exercise session.
Gradual Progression
Remember that progress happens gradually. Begin with a manageable number of repetitions for each exercise, and as you become more comfortable, aim to increase the repetitions over time.
Consistency Matters
To get the most out of exercise, aim to do it regularly and make it part of your daily routine. ‘Little and often’ may be the best approach to start with. You can increase or decrease the amount or frequency, depending on how you feel – listen to your body.
Video Resources
Move it or Lose it - Exercises to strengthen hips
Move It or Lose It: Standing push-ups
Move It or Lose It: Standing up from the floor
Move It or Lose It: Shoulder press
We Are Undefeatable: Strength with Alex
Move it or Lose it - Sit-to-stand exercise
Move it or Lose it - The cuppa routine
Move it or Lose it - Easy exercises to build into everyday
Move it or Lose it - Guided squats
Links and Resources
NHS: Strength and Flexibility Exercises
If you have not already done so, please take our Self Assessment: