Find Support

Welcome to the 'Find Support' page, your central hub for accessing support and resources tailored to your local area. Whether you need to connect with health professionals, find information on staying active, or seek advice on home safety, this page will guide you to the right contacts and resources.
Find Support

Contacting Your GP

For general health concerns or to discuss your falls risk and prevention strategies, your GP can provide guidance and referrals. They may suggest a referral to services such as Community Therapy, Social Services, or community exercise groups.

The Exercise Referral Scheme provides you with a discounted gym membership and specialised training sessions over the course of 12 weeks. To request a referral to the Exercise Referral Scheme, download and print out the Exercise Referral Form below and take it to be completed and signed by your GP or another Health Professional.

East Surrey: Exercise Referral Form

Social Prescribing

Did you know that your GP Practice also has a service called Social Prescribing? Social Prescribers can support and advise on non-health-related issues, such as stress, loneliness and debt. They can also help you connect or signpost to local support services, activities, or groups. To access this service, contact your GP surgery and request a referral.

Support with Medication

For advice or support about medication and falls risk, speak with your GP or a community pharmacist. Remember it’s important to have your medication reviewed yearly.

Adult Social Care

For information on helping you stay independent at home, visit the following page on Surrey County Council’s website. 

Surrey County Council: Staying Independent

If you feel you are struggling to manage at home due to changes in your mobility, contact your GP and ask to be referred for assessment for rehabilitation. 

Local Exercise Links

Staying physically active is crucial for fall prevention. Find classes, programs, and advice tailored to older adults in your area.

Explore our Local Exercise Classes Page

If you are housebound or have a disability/condition, please explore the following resources.

Fall-Proof Booklet: Exercises to Do At Home

Active Surrey: Exercise Classes if You Have a Condition/Disability

General Support

For additional support services, including mental health, home adaptations, and community engagement, take a look at the following resources.

Home Adaptations

Contact your local Handyperson Service for support with minor adaptations such as additional handrails. Millbrook Healthcare is currently the Handyperson Service for those who fall under Reigate & Banstead Council, Mole Valley Council, and Tandridge Council.

Telephone: 03301 243 758


Millbrook Healthcare: Website

Find your local council

Surrey County Council have developed an online home equipment finder to help people stay independent and living in their own home.

Surrey County Council: Home Equipment Finder

Fire Safety

Please visit the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service website to complete their free online home fire-safety check. This will generate a bespoke fire safety plan, include escape plans and where to install smoke detection. 

If you are considered at risk from the answers you submit, a member of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service will be in touch to offer you a free "Safe and Well Visit" to assist you with all your fire-safety needs.

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service: Safe and Well Visit Advice

Telephone: 0800 085 0767

Text/SMS: 07971 691 898

Pegasus Scheme

Pegasus is a scheme for people with difficulty in speaking or communicating who need to report information to the emergency services. It means that they can fill in their details online, so that when they call emergency services, they can quote ‘Pegasus’ and a unique PIN number, and the call taker can view all of their details without the need for the person to repeat them.

It’s an important resource in tackling hate crime against people with disabilities, which we sadly know is an under-reported crime. It removes the barriers people may face when needing to report a crime but feeling unable or not having the confidence to.

Surrey Police: Apply for a Pegasus Card

Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person, or the person themselves can fill in. It contains a list of information to help the police if the person goes missing.

Keeping a completed form saves the worry of trying to recall the information during the stressful time of someone going missing. It also saves time for the police, allowing the search to start sooner.

Surrey Police: Herbert Protocol

Lifeline Alarms & Technology Enabled Services

Personal alarms and monitoring systems can alert call centres or carers if you experience a problem, either at home or outside, such as a fall - you may hear this called telecare. Mole Valley Life provide the Lifeline Alarm and Technology Enabled Care service for East and West Surrey.

Mole Valley Life: Digital Lifeline Alarms

Additional Resources

NHS: Stop, Look, Care Booklet

Marie Curie: Keeping Active Booklet 

Marie Curie: Reducing Your Risk of Falling Booklet

Age UK: Website

Parkinsons UK: Website

Surrey County Council: Website