Sensory Support
Navigating a home safely is essential for everyone, especially for those with sensory impairments such as hearing or visual difficulties. Vision and hearing are both very important in helping you to move around safely. Vision plays a vital role in maintaining your balance, and hearing allows you to have a better awareness of your surroundings.
Here are some tips to help you create a safe environment tailored to the needs of those who have sensory impairments:
Good lighting - For individuals with visual impairments, proper lighting is vital. Choose bright fluorescent bulbs to make sure there is enough light throughout the home.
Consistent Lighting Levels - Maintain uniform lighting levels across different rooms to avoid sudden changes in brightness. Consider adding lighting to dimly lit areas and using curtains or shades to minimise glare.
Night Time Navigation - Install night lights along pathways from bedrooms to bathrooms to assist with walking at night-time, for example to get to the toilet. Night lights provide enough light for safety without disrupting sleep.
Regular Eye Checks - Schedule routine eye examinations with opticians to address vision-related concerns. Updated visual aids, such as glasses or magnifiers, can significantly improve safety and independence at home.
Regular Hearing Checks - Make sure you have your hearing checked regularly. If you have them, keep your hearing aids in good condition and wear them as advised.
Preventing Trips and Falls - Eliminate tripping hazards by keeping pathways clear of clutter, loose rugs, and obstacles. Secure carpets and rugs to prevent slips and falls.
By implementing these sensory-friendly home safety measures, those with sensory impairments can enjoy enhanced independence and peace of mind in their own home.
Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey
Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey is an inclusive organisation that provides highly specialised support to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, partially sighted and deafblind.
Sight for Surrey: Sensory Services
Links and Resources
Home Adaptations
Contact your local Handyperson Service for support with minor adaptations such as additional handrails.
Millbrook Healthcare is currently the Handyperson Service for those who fall under Reigate & Banstead Council, Mole Valley Council, and Tandridge Council.
Telephone: 03301 243 758
Text/SMS: 07723 434 387
Surrey County Council have developed an online home equipment finder to help older people stay independent and living in their own home.
Surrey County Council: Home Equipment Finder
Managing at Home
For information on helping you stay independent at home visit Stay Independent on Surrey County Council’s website.
Complete the Adult with Support Needs Form if you, or the person you are completing this form for, live in Surrey and have care and support needs. It will help you find out what support you could get from the council.
If you feel you are struggling to manage at home due to changes in your mobility, contact your GP and ask to be referred for assessment for rehabilitation.
Fire Safety
Please visit the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service website to complete their free online home fire-safety check. This will generate a bespoke fire safety plan, include escape plans and where to install smoke detection.
If you are considered at risk from the answers you submit, a member of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service will be in touch to offer you a free "Safe and Well Visit" to assist you with all your fire safety needs.
Surrey Fire and Rescue Service: Safe and Well Visit Advice
Call Freephone : 0800 085 0767
Text/SMS: 07971 691 898
Fire Safety Advice
- Make sure that smoke alarms are strategically placed, such as in bedrooms and living rooms, and are loud enough for you to hear them. Regularly test alarms to check they are working
- Make sure you have a plan for how to get out in the event of a fire.
- Minimise fire risks by following safe practices. Don’t overload sockets and keep cords and wires in good condition.
- Minimise cooking-related hazards by never leaving stove tops unattended.