Moving Around Outside

Here are some tips to help you identify hazards and reduce falls risk in external outdoor areas of your home:

Clear pathways - Are your paths clear of leaves and overgrown plants? Maintaining tidy outdoor areas, free of obstacles, is essential for safety. Regularly clear away leaves and trim overgrown plants to keep pathways clear.

Slippery surfaces - Are your paving stones free of moss and algae? If not, this can become slippery when wet. Prune overhanging plants and branches to improve lighting. You can purchase products to remove algae or get help from someone to do it with a pressure washer.

Uneven or broken paving - Do you have any uneven or broken paving slabs? These can be trip hazards. Arrange for someone to replace or straighten them to make sure your walking surface is level.

Gardening considerations - Are your flower beds at ground level? They’ll be easier to access if they are in containers or raised beds. When you are in the garden, avoid spending too much time in one position and be cautious when standing up from a bent-over position, as this may cause dizziness.

Entry steps - Do you have steps to get in and out of the property? Consider installing an additional step, grab rails, or a ramp, depending on your needs, to increase stability and safety. If you’re concerned about accessing your property, seek professional advice or assessment to help identify a solution.

Walking aids - If you use a walking aid, do you have an appropriate one to use outdoors? Wheeled zimmer frames are not safe for outdoor use. If a walking stick does not provide enough support, consider an outdoor walker such as a 3- or 4-wheeled walker. These are available for purchase from mobility shops or the internet.

For adaptations and other solutions, consider speaking to organisations specialising in home or garden modifications or social services. Their expertise can help ensure your outdoor area is safe and functional.

Links and Resources

Home Adaptations

Contact your local Handyperson Service for support with minor adaptations such as additional handrails.

Millbrook Healthcare is currently the Handyperson Service for those who fall under Reigate & Banstead Council, Mole Valley Council, and Tandridge Council.

Telephone: 03301 243 758

Text/SMS: 07723 434 387


Millbrook Healthcare: Website

Find your local council

Surrey County Council have developed an online home equipment finder to help older people stay independent and living in their own home.

Surrey County Council: Home Equipment Finder

Managing at Home

For information on helping you stay independent at home visit Stay Independent on Surrey County Council’s website.

Complete the Adult with Support Needs Form if you, or the person you are completing this form for, live in Surrey and have care and support needs. It will help you find out what support you could get from the council. 

If you feel you are struggling to manage at home due to changes in your mobility, contact your GP and ask to be referred for assessment for rehabilitation.

Fire Safety

Please visit the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service website to complete their free online home fire-safety check. This will generate a bespoke fire safety plan, include escape plans and where to install smoke detection. 

If you are considered at risk from the answers you submit, a member of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service will be in touch to offer you a free "Safe and Well Visit" to assist you with all your fire safety needs.

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service: Safe and Well Visit Advice

Call Freephone : 0800 085 0767

Text/SMS: 07971 691 898

Fire Safety Advice

  • Store wheelie bins and rubbish securely away from property.
  • Bring bins back in as soon as possible after rubbish collection.