Falls Prevention & Post-Fall Management Resources

Within this section, you can find useful resources for Falls Prevention & Post-Fall Management

Care Home Nurse Advisors 

A dedicated team of nurse advisors that empower Care Homes to reduce avoidable hospital admissions/attendance. They aim to reduce the number of care home residents being transferred unnecessarily to hospital, including those at the end of their lives.

The service covers care homes with Nursing and Residential homes within east Surrey (not including those homes registered for Learning Disability or Mental Health).

Call: 07483 074262

Working  hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

If you are care home staff please email fchc.carehomeadvisors@nhs.net for the password to the care home support page linked below.

First Community Health and Care: Care Home Support 

Urgent & Emergency Care from SECAmb

Download the offical South East Coast Ambulance document below for support and guidance to staff in care homes (nursing & residential) when a resident has an acute medical problem or injury.

SECAmb: Urgent & Emergency Care Advice


An excellent online training package designed specifically for staff working in care homes. The package includes educational videos, print-outs, and a phone app to help staff learn about falls risk factors and interventions to reduce them.

REACT TO FALLS Information

Switching to Decaf Webinar

An interesting webinar delivered by Care England and University Hospitals of Leicester, explaining the benefits of promoting decaffeinated drinks in reducing falls.

Watch Switching to Decaf Webinar